
We often spend time and money investing in the health of our bodies. Now is the time to invest in the health of our minds. 

Upon completion of the 4 session Vedic meditation course you will graduate and be equipped to meditate on your own for the rest of your life.


✨ the four session course with personal face to face instruction;

✨ individual follow up;

✨ ongoing support (via email support sequence, group meditation meetings, private whatsapp group, monthly newsletter etc);

✨ ability to re-sit the course as many times as you like;

✨ access to masterclasses and 21 day meditation connections; and

✨ access to the global Vedic meditation community.


✨ $980 for single adult group course

✨ $880 per person for couples/friends attending same group course

✨ $880 for yoga teachers/wellness industry/full time students

✨ $780 for single parents

✨ $680 for bridging course (students who have learnt VM with another teacher in the past 5 years)

✨ $480 for secondary school student

✨ $280 for primary school student (5 years or older)

✨ POA for private courses and corporate programs

We have flexible payment plans available to suit any budget. 

If you are experiencing genuine financial hardship please get in touch as we do not want the cost of the course being a barrier to your learning of Vedic meditation.


We support the Pandits - scholars who uphold the Vedic tradition - in Chennai, Vellore and Varanasi, India.

We support Green Sakthi a non-profit tree planting organisation based in Tamil Nadu, South India with the goal to plant 5 million trees over the next 10 years.

We support Help-A-School Foundation that improves the lives of children and families in impoverished circumstances in rural India. They provide resources, funding and in kind support for education programs and opportunities for these communities to thrive.