4-5pm, Sun 2 July, via Zoom
On the fullest moon in July we hold a deep honouring in our hearts and give thanks to all of our teachers. Even if we are not regular meditators we can pay deep gratitude to all of the teachers in our life that come in many forms. A teacher can be anyone who has shared light and prompted some level of deeper self enquiry. This could be your partner and children, parents and siblings, even your work colleagues.
We honour the great masters of our Vedic meditation tradition - Guru Deva ~Swami Brahmananda Saraswati~ revered as the embodiment of pure unbounded consciousness and his shishya (disciple) ~Maharishi Mahesh Yogi~ who brought the VM meditation technique to the West to enable us all a way to touch this unbounded Absolute Being.
We honour the fullness of the moon that is symbolic of the fullness of life, the fullness of heart, the fullness of Self, the fullness of Absolute Being within - our greatest teacher. The Self we often lose connection with in our busy individual and materially focused lives; pursuing our fulfilment outside of ourselves…
Come join us for Guru Purnima, we will explore this ancient wisdom and celebrate of our connection with Absolute Being. The pure bliss that we can all establish and radiate into action where it is needed the most.
All welcome. Register here.
With love and Jai Guru Deva 💛✨🌕.